


Juan Ignacio Blanco  


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Annika Maria ÖSTBERG



Annika Ostberg Deasy as a younger woman.
(Photo courtesy of



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



For many years Swedish officials have been trying to get Annika Deasy
transferred to Sweden to serve out her sentences.
 (Photo courtesy of



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



Annika Ostberg



William "Bob" Cox
(Lake County Sheriffs Office)







The victims

On April 30, 1981, Östberg and her boyfriend Bob Cox robbed and killed ex-restaurant owner Joe Torre.
(Lake County Sheriffs Office)



Lake County Sheriff's Sgt. Richard Helbush was shot and killed after stopping to help two stranded
motorists along Highway 29 on May 2, 1981. The woman sentenced to prison for his murder,
Annika Ostberg, returned to her home country of Sweden on Wednesday, April 8, 2009.
(Photo courtesy of the county of Lake.)



Lake County Sheriff's Sgt. Richard Helbush was shot and killed after stopping to help
two stranded motorists along Highway 29 on May 2, 1981.



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