


Juan Ignacio Blanco  


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Toni Jo Henry



Toni Jo Henry



Toni Jo Henry













Actual hand-written letter by Toni Jo Henry to her sister, written from her jail cell:

"Darling Kids,

Honey, I’m sending you five dollars to buy my baby a birthday present. Get her a coat or a skirt and sweater.
Tell her it’s from me with oceans of love and kisses.

Wish you had been here to help me eat goose and dressing. Gibbs went out hunting yesterday and shot
two geese; boy they were some eating too. Did you make the kids their cake?

I got a telegram tonight from Claude. He is at Huntsville. I sure feel a thousand times better. You write
to him at box 32, Huntsville, Texas and tell him what I told you to.

Honey, I don’t guess there’s anything else to write so I’ll just say so long! You can write Gibbs and tell him
if you get the money. Just write him Gibbs Duhon at the same address as when you wrote to me.

I’ll be thinking of you all. Love and kisses, Toni."







Norman F. Anderson, Toni Jo Henry, and Clement M. Moss at the first of three trials of Toni Jo for
murder in 1940, though she had confessed. She was the first woman executed in Louisiana.



Toni Jo Henry



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